Индивидуализация обучения – основная задача учителя в современной школе

Dorota Dziewanowska


Individualization of Teaching as Main Task of Teacher in Contemporary School


In the methology of foreign language teaching, the approach concentrated on a learner (student centered approach) develops dynamically. According to this principle, teacher's task is to discover the student's individual potential. The author of the article points out that the principle of individualization of teaching cannot be investigated in the narrow scope, i.e. by taking into account in the didactic process and differentiating them according  to the scale: a weak, medium, strong student. In the article, the author indicates that the student's personality is a more complicated phenomenon. The following components may be considered as the basic features of student's personality: the worldview, the life experience, the context of  activity, the interests and inclinations, the emotions and feelings, the status of  personality in a collective body. In the article, the author points out that the individuality is a more complex phenomenon, that includes student's individual features, subjective features and personality features, The problem of student's individual features and of student's individualization in the teaching process are widely discussed by a prominent glottodidacticist  J. I. Passov and because of it the author of  the article considered advisable to present the views of this scholar.

Key words: a weak student, middle student, strong student, personality, individuality of a student, communicative directing, reading, speaking



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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Russologica = ISSN 1689-9911.