«А был ли мальчик?»: несколько штрихов к биографии Бориса Житкова

Галина Василькова


"Was there a boy?": Some strokes to Boris Zhitkov’s biography


The article deals with the creation of Boris Zhitkov’s scientific biography, based on the documentary sources. It investigates one of the most mysterious periods in Boris Zhitkov’s life - from 1917 to 1920. This period is reflected very grudgingly and tenuously by the writer's biographers. The author of the article compares the documents from the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art and the text of the novella Varjka, which has an autobiographical basis. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that Boris Zhitkov was not among the supporters of the October revolution. Like the character of the novella Varjka Dmitrij, Zhitkov did not want to adapt to the new government, and even more - to serve it actively.


Key words: Boris Zhitkov, Varjka, scientific biography, Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, new government



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Жизнь и творчество Б.С. Житкова, Детгиз, Москва 1955.

Житков Б., Виктор Вавич. Роман, Изд-во «Новая газета», Москва 1999.

Житков Б., Семь огней. Очерки, рассказы, повести, пьесы, Изд-во «Детская литература», Ленинград 1982.

Черненко Г., Вечный Колумб, Изд-во «Детская литература», Ленинград 1982.

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Чуковская Л.К. Борис Житков, Детгиз, Ленинград 1955.


Российский Государственный архив литературы и искусства [РГАЛИ], фонд 2185, оп.1, Письма Б.С. Житкова жене Е.П. Бахаревой и приемному сыну В.С. Бахареву.

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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Russologica = ISSN 1689-9911.