O projekcie gry językowej – elementy coachingu jako narzędzie w procesie nauczania
On the language game project – elements of coaching as the tool in teaching process
Foreign languages in the modern world became the tool used in work by many young people and as
a consequence – students are interested in the practical knowledge of the language.
As there are not many materials on the market for Russian learners and the existing ones are not sufficient to the needs, we came up with an idea to develop a unique project of a language game, with the use of the techniques that enhance the creativity, fast thinking and memory. The modern theories of learning styles relate to a reflexive learning, based on the experience.
The possibility to experience by students the cases tought to them has a great influence on their motivation. The way of presenting the material is also important.
We need to remember that if a student gives the importance to what he/ she does, he/ she will be much more motivated for work.
Today a teacher becomes more a guide in the knowledge and an inspiration. He/ she may give the part of control into a student’s hand. The use of a specially designed board game during the Russian lessons may effectively support the development of the key language competencies and – as a result – to accelerate the achievement of the goals.
Keywords: board game, Kolb’s Cycle, flipped learning, coaching, 4MAT
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Russologica = ISSN 1689-9911.