М. Лермонтов по-украински (на примере поэзии «Белеет парус одинокий…»)
M. Lermontov in Ukrainian
(the example of the poem “The Sail”)
The article deals with the comparative analysis and amenable to transfer by Ukrainian poets such as M. Starytsky, Dniprova Chajka, M. Zerov, V. Sosiura, P. Tychina and J. Glinski Lermontov's masterpiece "The Sail". Arrangements conferm that translations of closely related languages can both facilitate the task of the translator in terms of understanding sematic of many expressions, very closed grammar rules and punctuation, but can also complicate regard to such aspects as the grammar translation, euphony and rhythm. The comparative analysis of Ukrainian translation of the Russian poem it turned out that almost all the proposed options could be considered as adequate and creative translation. Tychina’s translation could be qualified as creative translation, because the sound background and the content of the poem has been undergone the jewelry processing of translation. In such way, a new poem appeared in the Ukrainian language, full of Lermontov’s spirit and very close to the original intention of the Russian poet.
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Russologica = ISSN 1689-9911.