Odwilż na ekranie, czyli o przekładzie filmu Карнавальная ночь na język polski
The Thaw was a period in the history of the USSR that influenced various areas of life, including cinematography. The film that started the thaw was Carnival Night, directed by E. Ryazanov. The author of the article analyses a fragment of the script’s dialogue, in which the director presents the struggle of the “old” and “young”: i.e., the moment of transition from one reality to another. This process is accentuated by the attitude of the film’s protagonists, as well as in the linguistic layer, which the author subjected to a comparative analysis. The original film was used as illustrative material, as well as its translation into Polish, made using the voice-over method.
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Russologica = ISSN 1689-9911.