Powieść Аня Каренина Lilii Kim jako przykład gry z klasyczną literaturą rosyjską. Wybrane zagadnienia
The work of Lilia Kim – a contemporary Russian writer and screenwriter – remains little known to Polish readers, which is clearly due to the lack of translations of her works into Polish. This article will present basic biographical information and present the general issues of one of her flagship novels entitled Аня Каренина in the context of a literary game with the classic prototype of Leo Tolstoy. Lilia Kim’s novel is a sharp social satire and a contemporary modified version of Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. The use of the names and surnames of the heroes of a classic work, on the one hand, attracts the attention of readers and critics, is a kind of advertisement for the work, an encouragement to read this book, and, on the other hand, allows us to compare today’s world and its problems with the period in which Leo Tolstoy lived and wrote. Lilia Kim’s work is a satire on contemporary Russian reality.
Biografia i filmografia reżysera Wasilija Piczuła na stronie internetowej http://www.kinopoisk.ru/name/139208 [dostęp: 12.12.2023].
Biografia Lilii Kim na stronie internetowej: https://www.livelib.ru/author/101639 [dostęp: 12.12.2023].
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Tołstoj L., Anna Karenina, tłum. K. Iłłakowiczówna, Warszawa 1975.
Золотоносов М., Юность – это возмездие, «Московские новости» 16.01.2004, № 1.
Ким Л., Аня Каренина, Москва 2007.
Ким Л., Аня Каренина. Роман из современной жизни, [в:] Денежкина и Ко. Антология прозы двадцатилетних, Санкт-Петербург 2003, c. 199–355.
Толстой Л., Анна Каренина, Москва 1950.
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Russologica = ISSN 1689-9911.