Лев Шестов. Дилемма знания и веры

Нина Раковская



In the article the religious philosophical and literary approaches of L. Shestov to the Russian literature are updated. The metaphysical discourse of literary criticism is learned. L. Shestov's paradoxical that caused by world seeing of the critic and his author's model of the world is also noted. Emphasized the preference of literature as a subject of philosophical reflection of L. Shestov. The essence of ideas of L. Shestov is in definition of existential in art texts. The philosophy is based on rational thinking, absolute and general rules, but revelation of the artist is learned only by personal experience and opening of divine. The world of art creativity is defined by «the writer's arbitrariness»: his intuition and work. In article is specified that interpretation of theological, philosophical, literary texts allows to name the literary criticism of L. Shestov not only philosophical and esthetic, existential, but also to talk about an integrity of his model. Monothematic of the critic is confirmed by system of the repeating motives and key-notes, intertextual elements. In this regard it is possible to speak about concentric circles, peculiar repetitions in L. Shestov's style and about his manner to put ques-tions, without giving answers. Moreover, in his questions the negative connotation is obvious and as a result there is «an open philosophical field» for reflections. As in most cases L. Shestov borrows quotes from primary sources, adding own translation and exact data about a source, there is an impression that they play a role of proofs and scientific knowledge. However L. Shestov categorically against such knowledge, therefore, contradiction which it is possible to call paradox of his discourse is once again raised.


Key words: criticism, a paradoxical, a discourse, existential.



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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Russologica = ISSN 1689-9911.