Ассоциативная семантика слова в виртуальном пространстве игрового художественного текста

Татьяна Гридина


Associative semantics of the word in the virtual space of the game art text


The article analyzes the nature of the game text. Defines the main features of idiostyle S. Krzyzanowski, using different codes of language play in creating the virtual worlds of literary text. Describes the basic techniques for creating associative context of the key words in the story “So” («Поэтому»). Identified vectors of author's reflection on the contents and shape of the word. Is determined by the constructive role of language play in the implementation of narrative perspectives in the text. Associative semantics of the word, the object of the speaker of the language game, creates a field for in-depth reflection on the reader to the author's intention.

Keywords: language game; games with literary text;  idiostyle.



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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Russologica = ISSN 1689-9911.